Thursday, October 11, 2012


October 11, 2012

Hello! Right now I am in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. After busing to New York from Philadelphia, flying to Brussels from JFK, we finally arrived in Burkina after 30 or so hours of travelling.

We were expecting pretty bare bones accommodations in Ouaga, but ended up staying at a hotel with… air conditioning (!) and wifi (spotty wifi, but wifi none the less).

Training has been informative and reassuring so far, a lot of introduction and administrative things that need to be taken care of. Tomorrow we are driving down to Leo, where we will be living for the next nine weeks of pre-service training (PST). During PST we will be staying with a host stay family, which is really nerve racking today but really exciting once I get used to it. Today (Thursday) we learned about what to expect staying with a host family and getting an  idea what language classes will be like.

I’m excited to teach my family the culinary wonders of Old Bay!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I have been thinking and wondering about you soooooooooo much! They will come to love Old Bay like all who come in contact with you.
