Sunday, October 7, 2012

24 hours and counting...

Hi everyone! It's strange, after talking about my soon to be time in the Peace Corps for years, to be now looking at my packed bags and saying a series of surreal goodbyes. 

I will be trained to work as health development agent and will be placed in a rural community in Burkina Faso. Tomorrow, I will be arriving in Philadelphia to officially turn in my paperwork, then off to the airports on Monday, and arriving in Burkina on Tuesday. I will be getting trained for two-three months in a city in southern Burkina and will be living with a host family. The training focuses on acquiring health knowledge, cultural competencies, and strengthening my language skills. 

Keeping up with the blog will be a bit tricky because I will not have regular internet or electricity, but I will hopefully write an account for each week and post them sooner or later. 

I will miss you all but would love to get letters and write to you all while I'm gone. You can send mail to:

Elizabeth Flamm, PCT 
S/C Corps de la Paix
01 B.P. 6031
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

TIP: Draw crosses on the envelopes; it will make the package look religious and make it more likely I'll get my mail without any issues. 

Thanks to everyone for the support and the sweet goodbyes. I'll try and post soon once I've arrived!


  1. It's all really happening! Wishing you safe travels and a stress-free adjustment. You're amazing and you're embarking on a most incredible adventure. Best of luck! xo

  2. I do indeed love the picture! I also do indeed love that you are taking off! Can't wait to hear from you again!
    Ill Liz
