Friday, December 14, 2012

Goodbye Stage and Sanga

Monday was our last day with our host families in our different villages. Right now we are in Ouaga doing some shopping for our sites and different final admin work. Our swear-in is this Friday! I think the ceremony is at the ambassador’s house and then dinner at the Country Director’s home.

The last couple days in Sanga were relaxing and fun.
The Sanga group with our LCFs, Armel and Salio

The girls in my courtyard :)

Since I had already given my family their host gifts in the beginning, I decided to make dinner for them as a final thank you for cooking for me each night and making me feel so safe while staying with them. I decided mac-n-cheese would be a fun first cooking experiment. To make the mac-n-cheese, I first sautéed some onions, peppers and tomatoes; then I boiled the macaroni; and, when finished, added butter, laughing cow cheese (it doesn’t need to be refrigerated!), some milk powder, water, and, of course, some Old Bay.

The cooking set up

I wasn’t sure if the loads of diary would be okay or not since it was so different from my family’s normal meals, but they liked it!

The finished mac-n-cheese! Oh- notice how my host sister is just holding the boiling hot pot; they don't use oven mitts

The goodbye ceremony was really nicely done with super tasty food. I was worried I would get upset when saying goodbye to Mamourou, so I decided I would just tell myself he was definitely coming to my swear-in ceremony so I could prevent having to say goodbye for real. But I found out yesterday it wasn’t just a comfort lie at all; he called to tell me he is able to make it! I think it is rare for host families to be able to attend the swear-in; invitations are always given, but I don’t think the family members can often feasibly do it. So, that is exciting, and I feel lucky to have had such an awesome experience staying him with him and his family. 

A final pic with my host family 

Well- next time I post, I imagine, will be once I am at my new home in Kossouka! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season! Until next time… : ) 

A last picture of greenery and Sanga... now off to the desert 

1 comment:

  1. Mac and Cheese! With Old Bay! So awesome. Hope you've had a good, stress-free transition to your new home. Happy Holidays!!!!
