Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day by Day: Staging in Sanga

This past eight days I have been living in Sanga and going to classes in Leo, about 10 km from the Ghanian border. We are currently in the beginning stages of Stage (the training to become a Peace Corps Volunteer [PCV]). As part of our cultural training, we are living with a host family (photos to follow I hope… we’ll see if the internet cooperates…). I got VERY lucky. First my home is above and beyond nice. Most are very bare and basic; my home, however, has flooring, painted walls, couch, posters, and a mirror. My host father even has electricity; the other night, I am almost POSITIVE I heard the intro song to Family Matters playing… I’ll have to check it out sometime this week and report back, but possibly getting to watch Steve Erkel dubbed in French is way better than I was ever hoping for. I am also very fortunate because when I first arrived, my host father’s sister, Mimi, was visiting. She spoke wonderful French and was a warm and friendly face in such an awkward situation; additionally, my host father speaks very good French as well and even a little English! Some Peace Corps Trainees’ (PCT) families don’t even speak French.

Training is pretty intensive. It is a little less than an hour bike ride into the main town we have our classes, which go from 8am-5pm. I am pretty exhausted most of the time, but the rest of the PCT definitely make the experience more bearable. It is hard- I am not loving it- but it is what one should realistically expect. A lot of work. Hot. But a pretty incredible experience none the less… living in a rural, agricultural community, with no electricity or running water, biking through BEAUTIFUL landscapes… (hopefully next blog post I’ll have photos to share).

And- through all the times when I think- what… this heat… this food… for TWO years?! There are luckily current PCVs here who are at our trainings to facilitate the whole thing, and they seem so adjusted and comfortable and have really impressive stories that I remind myself to be patient and hopefully I will be where they are… just have to take everything day by day.

So- this is a little intro to what Staging has been like. I will be here for 8 more weeks and will give more info as the weeks pass.

And thank you LIZ SHANNON for the wonderful Mt. Adams postcard. It made my day. And I did just what you said I would:  boast to everyone that I climbed that mountain during the summer, which was completely necessary considering I fainted (another story but I am fine) during the first bike ride and had to make sure my team didn’t think I was this delicate creature that was going to call it quits at any moment.

Until next time- I miss you all and air conditioning and delivery pizza more than I knew was possible! 


  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see pictures of the landscape. Heather and I are thinking bout you!

    -Heather and Billy

  2. Elizabeth! Those are amazing pictures. I want to hear about your fainting. You are the least delicate flower i know. Keep it up! Miss you lots.

  3. I read this post right after I saw it last week and have been meaning to comment. I am glad you received the post card! I sent another card today, but I added a surprise, an I am not sure the PO will send it or it will get to you even though I added lots of extra postage. We will see. You can also tell them about kicking down my door! That was very BA. I hope you have been well since the fainting incident. I would love to hear that story. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee your pictures! I love those couches, we had those couches in my Ghana house. They are sooooo comfortable. I love the kitty on your bed. And the kids outside your house! Keep it up Hill Liz. Also I am trying to text you via Skype but I don't know if you get charged some crazy rate or if you don't get them or if you can respond? Let me know if you have gotten any of them.
    Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee Liz
