Friday, February 15, 2013

A "Divine Christmas"

I haven't had my camera with me recently to take pictures of my site, Kossouka, so I am going to hold off on doing an intro post to my life there... and flash forward/backward to Christmas at site and give a quick recap of the festivities. 

After reading the detailed list of possessions that were going to be left to me and realizing I would have a mini Christmas tree with ornaments and Santa hat, the three other volunteers from my stage (Kara, Darius and Brittany) who are living in the North with me decided to come to my house to celebrate with each other. 

We spent the first night decorating the tree and eating tomato soup with grilled cheese.... which turned into more a cheesey bread with marinara dipping sauce... regardless, really good! 

                                                     Decorating the Christmas tree

Christmas morning we shared gifts, visited the cafe-au-lait stand in town and went to church. The music and instrument, as probably expected, were definitely the best part. 

Darius checking out the pagne stockings 

Cafe au lait's basically 1/3 condensed milk, 2/3 hot water and like... 1/2 tsp instant coffee. One of the tasty treats here that I wonder is this really good or just good because I've been here 5 months now...?

Music procession going out at the end of church, after mass there was a dance circle/march outside 

               Washing dishes: one of those things I never wondered how I would do it once I got here, same for washing clothes 

Volunteers of "The North!" 

The chief had given me a rooster a couple of days before and thankfully Darius was there to help with the butchering process. We watched Elf and Love Actually, while enjoying some homemade Christmas cookies Brittany's grandmother had sent. All in all, as Darius says "a divine christmas" 

1 comment:

  1. I loveeeeeeeee it and loveeeeeee the pictures~ Sounds like it was a fun and good Christmas although different. Somewhat like the Christmas in the Mountains Caitlin, Steph, Amanda and I had last year. Isn't it bizarre being in the sun in Christmas? I told my family in Paraguay that I was pretty sure I was the only one to be in the sun in a pool Christmas day in the entire line of my relatives on both sides of the family. Can't wait for the next post!
